Monday 1 April 2013

Cathedral: Development Overview

           I meantioned earlier that in our previous story idea the cathedral was one of the environments. I also mentioned the fact that when we changed our story, we were able to set it in this environment. 

           I know I have already uploaded this picture but I just thought I would put it up here again to show what the environment looked like before the idea change. Of course, none of the textures were actually made for it so everything was roughed out.

          Below is a greyscale render of the newer environment (including wireframe). Though most of the machines were textured by this stage, the environment in general had only rough colours.

          Below you can see the process texturing the space. I started off by separating the different types of floor. By this I mean you have the middle corridor, then the inner, slightly darker, ring and so on. Just adding flat colours to each bit I was able to come up with a combination of colours that worked well with one another.

           First I started off with the middle corridor. The texture came out a bit too strong which wasn't helped by the bump.

           After changing the middle corridor I started working on the inner ring where basically all of the action was going to take place. I really wanted to make something like Igor where the floor was comprised of metal plates. I knew this would take too long to texture and it the end it wouldn't look good anyway unles the seams were actually modelled. So that is what I did - I modelled the pannels on the floor using splines and making them 3D renderable.

           Next of cours was the slightly bigger ring around the crystals where I added seams of pannels that would suit the piping running around it.

           A render with the crystals in the space just to see if the colours match.

           Lastly, here is a slightly later render where I have added a few more textures to the space(namely the collumns around it). I also gave the pipes going around the space a texture and extended them so the end at the edge of the middle corridor.

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